Friday, September 18, 2015


I also saw this in the PLC on Facebook. Its not the most creative way to display the FOCUS; however, I just wanted to get it up prior the students arrival.  Too bad my clock doesn't work.  (smile)

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

"Be" Bulletin Board

All over Facebook in this PLC (Professional Learning Community) I belong to, there were so many teachers posting their "Be" Bulletin Boards.  Here is my rendition.

Let's hope that these positive words will continue to rub off on the students and they will keep positive words in their thoughts and mouths.

#BER #BE #SubwayTalk

Monday, September 14, 2015

Ms. Fletcher

This is a painting I did the day before I went back to work.  I used it as a way to relax before getting back to the grind of the Back-to-School business.  I painted everything freehand.  I have it placed in the window of my classroom door.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to school.  I painted this in early August 2015.  I actually saw this on Pinterest, so I decided to CASE it.