Tuesday, April 30, 2019

ELL Strategies - Lucky 7

Here are a my Top 7 Strategies for teaching English Language Learners (ELLs):

1.) Slow down your speech. Some students are taking what you say in English, translating it into their native language, then translating their response from their native language into English. Therefore, the students need more processing time.

2.) Wait Time - Because all of that translating is taking place in their minds, ELLs need extra time to process what is being said/asked. Once you ask a question, give the students about 5 seconds to respond before moving on or rephrasing your question.

3.) Use graphic organizers to help organizing thinking.

4.) Use manipulatives in Math to help with the conceptual understanding.

5.) Use sentence frames and/or sentence starters to help the students to formulate their responses or conversations among their group mates.

6.) Provide an opportunity for the students to read, write, listen, and speak several times a day every day.

7.) Cooperative groups is imperative. It helps the students to practice their listening and speaking and it also takes some of the pressure off of them when it comes to responding to the teacher. Students should work in groups several times a week.