Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Small Group Rotation - Top 10 Tips

Do you do small group rotation? If not, do you want to? Here are my top 10 tips to make your small group rotation run smoothly. 
Note: I have a 4 group rotation, while others have a 3 group rotation. It's ok if you don't meet with all groups that day.

1.) Do a quick walk through. 
This should take about 15-20 minutes. Explain the rules as the students walk to each location/station. This way, the students know where they are expected to travel and how they are expected to behave during small group rotation.

2.) Transition music.
Use music to alert the students it's time to transition from one activity to the next. Once the music starts, the students clean up and transition. Once the music stops, they should be in their next location.

3.) Centers
Have center activities, task cards, and/or games for the students to do in one of the stations. The activities should be:
  • Self-checking
  • Something they already know how to do
  • Preferably something you are currently working on in class
4.) Technology
One of my other stations is a technology station. Again, since all of my students have iPads, this is an easy feat for me. I just assign them a website, video, and/or app to do/view/play. It's important that they have the same stipulations as those in #3.

5.) Independent Work
This station is the class work that you want the students to do. The work should follow the same stipulations as in #3. Have a routine in place for submitting the assignments. Will the assignments be done in an interactive journal, worksheet, or electronic work? What will the protocol be for submitting that assignment. Make the students aware how to submit work while you are going through the walk through.

6.) Directions
What do you want the students to do while they are in each location? They should know that before you meet with any groups. Put the directions on the board or on chart paper and post it so that its visible for the entire class.

7.) No Talking
I don't allow talking while in the students are engaged in small group rotation. I want to be able to hear the group I'm working with and I want the other groups to be able to focus on their tasks.

8.) Do Not Disturb...the Teacher
The students aren't allowed to disturb me unless someone is hurt. If they have to throw away trash, sharpen a pencil, or use the restroom, they just do it. In the beginning, they will all try to go to the bathroom just to see if I will stop them, because they are not used to going without permission. When they see that I won't stop them, they will eventually stop being so eager to go. I ask them to not disturb me so that I could give most of my attention to the group with whom I am working.

9.) Struggling Students First and Always
Whenever I do small group rotation, I always meet with my struggling or low students first. Even if I don't rotate groups I try to meet with the low group while the rest of the class is doing independent work or iPad work. It's important that I try to bring them up academically. There is a big chance I can increase their student achievement if I meet with the struggling students regularly.

10.) Be Consistent
Consistency is key. When in small group rotation, the students need to know what to expect. Once you give them the directions of what they are doing in each station, they should be able to transition without any direction or without you even saying a word. I say Practice Makes Permanent. I can't say Practice Makes Perfect because if they are practicing incorrectly, then it's not perfect, is it?

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