Monday, May 21, 2018

Empty Fruit Cups

Empty Fruit Cups have been a savior. It helps maintain management with rituals and routines within your class. Of course, these rituals and routines have to have been in place or established the first time using them.

You probably get some from the cafeteria from your school if you ask nicely.

How you can use them...

  • I use them to put manipulatives in. This allows me, and the students, to keep track of the manipulatives that were given out.
  • They work great to put number cubes (dice) in so that the number cubes aren't flying all over the desk. The fruit cups must have a lid you can see through so that when you shake the number cubes, you can see the results.
  • In Algebra, the cup can act as the variable when performing operations and algebraic expressions or equations.
  • They can be used across subject areas to keep track of materials or resources.
Be sure the students don't squeeze and destroy them.

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