Thursday, August 8, 2019

Creating a Supportive Language Learning Environment

This chapter helps to provide comprehensible instruction. The following are 20 strategies that will make your classroom more comprehensible.
  1. Simplify Vocabulary.
  2. Teach key words before the lesson.
  3. Repeat and rehearse new words.
  4. Recycle new words.
  5. Print, rather than write. (No cursive)
  6. Provide plenty of concrete and visual support
  7. Use key visuals to present key concepts.
  8. Simplify sentence structure.
  9. Emphasize key ideas and instructions
  10. Use many nonverbal cues.
  11. Make notes to signal key ideas, new words, and so on.
  12. Give clear instructions.
  13. Encourage oral rehearsal of key ideas and words.
  14. Check often for comprehension.
  15. Speak naturally
  16. Be aware of figurative and idiomatic language. 
  17. Provide enough response time
  18. Provide peer tutors.
  19. Provide alternative resources.
  20. Reduce anxiety levels. 

Coelho, E. (2016). Adding English: A guide to teaching in multilingual classrooms. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

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