Monday, October 17, 2016

Class Dojo

Class Dojo is an online behavior management platform.  It's super easy.

What do you do?

  • Create your account at
  • Add a class.
  • Add students.
  • Get invites.
    • You can give the students and parents their codes so they can sign up to see the students' progress.
    • Also, if you have the parents' email addresses, you can enter them next to their child's name by clicking on Settings > Connect Parents.
  • Customize skills.
    • Here is where you customize for the behavior you want to see (Positive) and the behaviors you don't want to see (Needs Work).
    • You can set the point value to whatever you want.
  • When you're ready to award/deduct points, just click on the student's name and select behavior under Positive or Needs Work.
  • You can communicate with parents by clicking on Messages.
  • There is a timer available.
  • Can select students at random.
  • Can select multiple students at a time.

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