Monday, April 9, 2018


General Information
Geoboards are those timeless manipulatives. They are one of the first manipulatives that I've ever used back in the ancient days.  They are square shaped with pegs in rows in columns on one side and the other side, the pegs are in the shape of a circle. Generally, they come with rubber bands, called "Geobands". The Geobands come in various shapes and sizes.


Some Skills Used with Geoboards
  • Symmetry
  • Area
  • Perimeter
  • Fractions
  • Circumference
  • Angles

Management of Geoboards and Geobands
It never fails...a Geoband goes flying across the room. Have a conversation with the students about how to properly use the Geobands on the Geoboards. Encourage responsible behavior and care of the manipulatives. I always give 2 minutes of exploration time when I introduce a new manipulative. That way they get some of that play time out of their system and they are less likely to play during instruction.

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