Thursday, August 2, 2018


I know it's not Tuesday, but I forgot.  Sorry.  At any rate...

This is a website that allows you to keep an online To Do List. You may ask, "Why would I want to keep a To Do List online when I have my phone and it has a To Do List there?" Well, Todoist is web-based and they have Apps in the App Store and Google Play. There is a free and a Premium option.

Todoist will help you:
- "Keep track of everything you need to get done."
- "Organize and make progress on your bigger projects."
- "Play your day for maximum focus and productivity."

I love Todoist because I can:

  • Organize my list by projects
  • Use due dates, if I want
  • Use recurring due dates (i.e. every first of the month, every Monday, etc,)
  • Create sub-tasks so I can complete tasks into bite-sized pieces
  • See my To Do List in my App or on my computer
  • See "Today" and the "Next 7 Days" so I can plan out my days
  • Prioritize tasks

Here's a Getting Started Guide if you need help.

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