Friday, August 31, 2018

5 Favorite Apps

I wanted to share my 5 Favorite Apps that I use in my classroom.  Keep in mind that I don't use all 5 of these apps every single day.  I use Google Classroom and Classcraft everyday.  Follow the links to past posts to get more information.

1.) Google Classroom - Allow the teacher post announcements, assignments, and questions all in one place.

2.) Classcraft/Class Dojo - Behavior Management Apps.  In my opinion, Classcraft is for grades 5 and up, where as Class Dojo is for grades K-6.

2.) Plickers - Assessments using technology when you don't have 1-to-1 devices.

3.) Nearpod - Presentation App that lets you keep the students on the same "slide" as you. When you go to the next "slide", the students' device will also go to the next "slide".

4.) Remind - Text messaging app so you can communicate with parents.

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